Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory


On the first image, a Triangle-person is making an exposition about a sun peeking from behind a cloud: "Oh, what a beautiful weather do we have today!", with an Oblong-person listening in, smiling.

On the second image, the Oblong-person is doing a dab towards the Triangle-person, while the Triangle-person is looking at the audience saying: "We have successfully oiled the wheels of society!".

On the first image, a Triangle-person is making an exposition about a sun peeking from behind a cloud: “Oh, what a beautiful weather do we have today!”, with an Oblong-person listening in, smiling.

On the second image, the Oblong-person is doing a dab towards the Triangle-person, while the Triangle-person is looking at the audience saying: “We have successfully oiled the wheels of society!”.

Coming from a society that jumps straight to heavy stuff and treats conversation like a struggle that needs to be won (may I refer you to method 2, method 18 and method 38), it took me 15 years to break the cultural conditioning and engage in a small talk with someone.
