Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory


There is a series of images shown, each one having a Triangle-person side by side with a computer. On the first image, a Triangle-baby wearing nappies, pacifier in mouth is shown next to a black screen with a 'C:\' prompt. Then, a milk-drinking juvenile is shown, next to a deep-blue sceen with two panels left and right probably containing some text. Then a bib-wearing kid is shown eating soup, next to a very pixelated game. After than, a young person is shown typing on the keyboard, with fractals on screen, and symbols hovering above: {} + ; if * end. Then, a bit older person is shown holding a joystick, shooting 3D boxes with a shotgun. Then, a person is shown impatiently waiting for a progress bar, with a modem connected to the computer. After that, a mouse-and-keyboard user is shown modeling a teapot scene in 3D software. Finally, a Triangle-person is shown from behind, typing so fast their hands blur, looking at two large screens containing what is likely a computer program.
