Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory

Make it pop

Proverb improvement society presents: On the first image, a Triangle-chicken is pictured, laying an egg normally, with a checkmark next to it. The chicken says 'bok bok' and the egg does 'plop!'. On the second image, the chicken is shown laying on their face/beak, shooting the egg on a parabolic trajectory. The chicken says 'mmmf' and the egg does 'pew!'. The image is captioned: The apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree, with 'apple' crossed out and replaced with 'egg', and 'apple tree' crossed out and replaced with 'chicken bum.'

Proverb improvement society presents

Bok bok


The apple/egg doesn’t fall far from the apple tree/chicken bum.



Polish equivalent is “Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni”, so accordingly, “Niedaleko pada jabłko od kurzej dupki.”

From Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of this idiom is:

A child usually has a similar character or similar qualities to his or her parents.

#folk wisdom