Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory


History of two twins is shown. First they are pictured together in a hospital. Next, the top one is solving a Rubik's cube, and the bottom one is relaxing on their back. Then, the top one is pondering 2+2, whereas the bottom is poking their nose. Subsequently, top one is tinkering with electronics, while the bottom one sits on a tree whistling to a bird. Then, the top one studies science, and the bottom one is marveling at a snail. Next, the top one is building a brick wall, with bottom one fishing. Following that, the top one is shown architecting a suspension road bridge, but the bottom one is staring at a lake next to a frag doing the same. On the final picture, to graves are shown next to each another.
