Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory


On the first image, a Triangle-person is shown thinking: Hmm, what's a gravo-thermal catastrophe? while sitting in front of a computer typing. The screen shows 'C:\> ASDF'. On the second image, the Triangle-person falls off their chair, and the screen flies off into the air. The screen displays: 'Wikipedia - 404 not found'. On the third image, the svreen is on the floor, black and broken, and the Triangle person runs away waving their hands in panic, exclaiming: The end is nigh!

Hmm, what’s a gravo-thermal catastrophe


Wikipedia - 404 - Not found

The end is nigh!

I really wanted to make a comic about a gravo-thermal catastrophe (which is a real thing), but found no article about it on Wikipedia (gasp!).
