Tram of Thought: Comic strip about psychology, philosophy, society, engineering, and just life in all its gory glory


Types of governance: on the first picture, a group of Triangle-people is pictured saying together 'Democracy'. On the second picture, a Triangle-person wearing a hard hat and holding a straight angle is pictured saying 'Meritocracy'. Next to them a pile of bricks is stacked neatly, with an 'V' sign, and another pile is stacked precariously, with an 'X' sign. Two people are shown agreeing. On the third image, a Triangle-person is pictured aggresively screaming 'Volumocracy', with another person getting scared out of their shoes.

Types of governance:

  • Democracy
  • Meritocracy
  • Volumocracy

I hope everyone knows what Democracy is.

Meritocracy is a concept that in certain highly complex areas, decisions should be made by the individuals knowing the most on the subject.

Volumocracy is exactly what it sounds - the loudest person rules.
